AWS ECR Creation using Terraform
Creating AWS ECR Programmatically
What is an ECR?
Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry) is a fully managed container registry offering high-performance hosting, so you can reliably deploy application images and artifacts anywhere.
ECR can be used to store docker images and they can be versioned as well. ECR allows us to scan them for vulnerability as well. Both AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) and AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) can use the ECR for its container images.
Amazon’s typical ECR setup:
Create ECR using Terraform
ECR can be easily created using AWS console however production environment may expect you to deploy ECRs using code. Terraform is commonly used for various cloud services. We will see below how it can be used for the same.
What we will need
We will need Terraform downloaded locally and setup to connect to use your free tier AWS account. We will also need one S3 bucket to store the terraform state files.
The following terraform files will be needed
- — configure the provider and repository settings
- (optional) — configure the tags values
- (optional) — define the variables used in
- <env>.tfvars — set environment specific variables defined in
provider "aws" {
region = var.aws_region
terraform {
backend "s3" {}
resource "aws_ecr_repository" "repository" {
name = var.ecr_name
tags = local.tags
image_scanning_configuration {
scan_on_push = true
locals {
tags = {
"Name" = "ecs-dev"
"AWSAccount" = var.aws_account_id
"Environamnet" = var.logical_env
variable "aws_account_id" {}
variable "aws_region" {}
variable "logical_env" {}
variable "ecr_name" {}
aws_account_id = "myaccount" <--- can be actual AWS account id
logical_env = "dev"
aws_region = "us-west-2"
ecr_name = "test_ecr"
Terraform run commands
- Setup some initial variables
export base_path="/home/ec2-user/ecr"
export terraform_state_bucket=s3-bucket-for-tfstate
export backend_region="-backend-config="region=us-west-2"
export backend_bucket="-backend-config="bucket=${terraform_state_bucket}""
export backend_key="-backend-config="key=tfstate/ecr/terraform.tfstate""
export var_file="-var-file=env/${env_name}.tfvars"
export workspace_name="ecr-${env_name}"
2. Terraform init
terraform init ${var_file} ${backend_region} ${backend_bucket} ${backend_key} -input=false
3. Terraform workspace select
terraform workspace select ${workspace_name} || terraform workspace new ${workspace_name}
4. Terraform plan
terraform plan ${var_file} -input=false
5. Terraform apply
#If terraform plan is successful then run below command
terraform apply ${var_file} -auto-approve
6. Terraform destroy
#Cleanup and remove the ECR
terraform destroy ${var_file} -auto-approve
This way you can easily create the ECR using Terraform and publish the same in any environment.
TIP: Above commands can be scripted and easily automated in wrapper scripted or say CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins.
Hope this helps!
Thanks, and good luck with AWS ECRs.